Pet Surgery in Pooler, GA

We are here to reassure you and your pet that surgery will be safe, successful, and as pain-free as possible.

My pet needs a surgery

Our pets may need surgery for a variety of reasons and we are experienced in a wide range of orthopedic and soft tissue surgeries. We understand how stressful this time can be for pets and pet parents. We place a strong emphasis on pre-surgical planning and communication to provide a safe and comfortable anesthetic and surgical experience for you and your pet. We provide pre-anesthetic medications to help your pet relax, intravenous fluids for cardiovascular support, and start pain control before the procedure ever begins. Your pet will have three qualified surgery team members monitoring them at all times while they are in our hospital. We will communicate with you in detail upon arrival, directly after the procedure is complete, then again at the time of discharge from our hospital. Constant communication between our staff and you, the client, is ensured to make sure your pet is well cared for through the entire process. Appropriate pain control is always provided following the procedure to make sure everyone is comfortable at home.

Pre and Post Surgery Consultation

If you are looking to have an elective procedure done or have been referred to us by another veterinarian, please call us to schedule an appointment. When you arrive at our hospital, we will answer any and all questions you may have. We’ll also go over what you can expect during the recovery process.

Here is a list of some of our more common surgical procedures :

Feel free to call to speak to one of our surgical team members if your pet needs a procedure that is not listed or you have specific questions.

Soft Tissue Surgery :

  • Spay ( Ovariohisterectomy)
  • Neuter ( Castration)
  • Mass Excision ( Lumpectomy, Biopsy)

Laparotomy (Abdominal)

  • Cryptorchid Neuter ( Retained Testicle)
  • Pyometra (Uterine Infection)
  • Abdominal Hernia Closure (Umbilical, Inguinal)
  • Foreign Body Ingestion Surgery
  • Resection and Anastamosis
  • Enterotomy
  • Gastrotomy
  • Splenectomy
  • Internal Organ Biopsy
  • Gastropexy (Preventing Bloat or GDV)
  • Colopexy (Preventing rectal prolapse)
  • Cystotomy (Bladder stones)

Surgical Procedures Offered

  • Anal Sacculectomy (Remove anal glands)
  • Perineal Urethrostomy (Urethral obstruction)
  • Penile Uresthrostomy (Urethral obstruction)
  • Vulvoplasty (Recessed vulva)

Airway Surgery:

  • Stenotic Nares
  • Elongated Soft Palate
  • Everted Laryngeal Saccules
Orthopedic Surgery :

Fracture Stabilization (Broken Bone)

Cruciate Ligament Injury or Rupture

  • Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
  • Extracapsular Stabilization / Lateral Suture
  • Patellar Luxation (Medial or Lateral Patella Luxation)
  • Femoral Head Ostectomy (Hip Dysplasia, Femoral Head Fracture, Hip Luxation)
  • Amputation of Limb, Digit, Tail (Trauma, Cancer)

Veterinary Services

Below is a list of the most common veterinary services we offer at Pooler Veterinary Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.